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asylum: brain check after dinner (cd, fromSCRATCHrecords/audioglobe 2013)
track list:
1. suicide watch
2. Being Ed Bunker
3. wanna be a sluggy
4. Mohamed Bouazizi
5. odysseia
6. Nothing better than a morning fuck
7. arabs on the run, psycomelette
8. h-arcore: first times always hurts, but I don’t
9. holy ravioli (in a drug free zone)
10. bring drug and food
11. tecnocratic chinese flu

giuseppe caputo: voice, synth, sampler, loop, guitar, ebow
nicola villani: drum, drummachine, loop, voice // piero carafa: bass, voice, guitar
Francesco d’Elia electrified violin on tracks 4, 6 & 8
recorded and mixed between 2010-2012 by Giuseppe Caputo at fromScratch studio, Firenze // mastered at new mastering studio, Milano

cover design & graphics by Laclassicaodio/lorenzo bob coppini

A distanza di quattro anni dal precedente album arriva “asylum: brain check after dinner”. Registrato in un arco temporale di 3 anni, Asylum aggiunge nuovi colori al sound dei Miranda che suona più free e disinvolto rispetto al passato. Le possenti strutture ritmiche e i groove, marchio di fabbrica dei Miranda, sono ora meno ossessivi, le strutture dei brani più aperte, con una maggiore ricerca della melodia. Più espliciti i rimandi, solo accennati nei lavori precedenti, a certo hip hop d’oltreoceano, al drumming elettronico krauto e l’out-pop.
Asylum è un concept sulla vita da rinchiusi, tra carcere, manicomio e centri di detenzione (in “suicide watch”, “Being Ed Bunker”, “holy ravioli”), luoghi che i Miranda hanno conosciuto ed esplorato da vicino negli anni recenti, ma anche sulla capacità di adattarsi, ribellarsi e fuggire (come in “Mohamed Bouazizi”e “Odysseia”). Sulle allucinazioni della quotidianità (“nothing better than a morning fuck”e “h-arcore”, in entrambe ospite Francesco d’Elia), trasfigurate in oggetti sonori imperfetti ma curati con la pazienza artigiana del do-it-yourself.

Four years have passed since the previous album and “asylum: brain check after dinner” is finally out. Recorded in a three years period, Asylum adds new colors to Miranda’s music and sounds more confident and anarchic than in the past. The strong rhythmical structures and the grooves, trade mark of Miranda’s sound, are now less obsessive, more wide open. Asylum contains explicit references to Anticon’s hip hop, electronic kraut drumming and out-pop, only sketched in previous works.
Asylum is a concept about imprisoned life, in jail, psychiatric hospital and detention centers (in “suicide watch”, “Being Ed Bunker”, “holy ravioli”), places pretty known by Miranda in recent years, but also about the ability to adapt, rebel and escape (in “Mohamed Bouazizi”e “Odysseia”). Asylum is about the hallucination of the everyday life (“nothing better than a morning fuck”e “h-arcore”), transfigured in imperfect sound’s objects cured with the patience of “artisans of d.i.y.”.